LDG - Laudisi Distribution Group Five of five stars ------------ march 06 update. a. any true believer could be the leader of the Islamic world. . The smoke is heavy and rich and leaves wherever you are smelling like a campfire. The nose on the smoke is so pleasing! Tin of 50 Grams. As I stated earlier, it has a good amount of nicotine thanks to the burley, but one should not consider this a strong blend by any means. I will probably keep the tin to use as a blending tobacco, or maybe to use as a prank on unsuspecting pipe smoking friends. The burley component smooths it out a bit, but doesn't add much to the taste that I can tell, but there is a definite spice component from the Orientals. If you're looking for a better Latikia Bomb, check out Captain Earl's Stimulus Package or his Ten Russians. Finally another Latakia forward mixture without any Virginia. This is the closest thing I have found to Latakia heaven at a bulk price. It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. I've had the privilege of smoking a pretty decent variety of blends for my budget. No real complexity here but this is not a blend you sit and ponder over, you know exactly what you are getting and I like that sometimes. The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. It is not an all day smoke, but it IS my at least once-a-day smoke! While keeping the flavor and satisfaction in my smokes. Will save this for chilly, rainy nights. The burley made it even better. Un prodotto solo per fumatori esperti che non temono la forza della nicotina e i sapori decisi. It is aromatic in a campfire smoked meats kind of way, a little spicy, and just enjoyable. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. The 099 bag was packed totally full of tobacco, whereas the Pirate Kake was only half full! Once you puff it very slow it will reveal beautiful oriental spices - peppery cardamom and pine needles - never overpowered and with a nice complexity. The flavor remains constant with little or no nuances about to happen during the smoke. Its smoky and leathery and smoky, and has some smoky taste. These kind of flavours, borne of latakia singly. I like this so much! I love the campfire smokiness of English blends but Pirate Kake is nearly too heavy with it and too narrowly focused. Rich and Smokey with a creamy finish. There are also people who like French fries with their ketchup and sushi with their wasabi. On a side note I smoked my first bowl in the cabin an hour before my wife got home and I'm sleeping in the doghouse tonight. I really enjoy Latakia, dont get me wrong, but holy cow this was a bit strong for my taste. that is dense and smellsof Latakia. It's pretty impressive. Ok folks, this is what it is. 4 stars. Rather than overwhelm you it works really well. I could never smoke this all day long, but I doubt I could ever smoke this much lat in any blend all day. Flavoring? These days, however, I find a little solo note in a tobacco to be OK at times. Excellently smokey and rich latakia blend. Pipe Used: Peterson Donegal Rocky 01, MM bent apple diplomat, Purchased From: Habana Port Cigars, Metairie, LA. Like most lat-bombs the nicotine isn't noticeable at all, but the flavor is huge. After rubbing a chunk of this smoky ambrosia out it looks like I repair diesel trucks for a living. As subtle as a cannon shot full o' nails and cast iron! I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. My smokes started off pleasant enough, especially after a full meal, but the large amount of latakia slowly pummeled me. I opened the bag and was greeted by a very rich, heavy pleasant smoky flavor that was leading this charge of flavors. Continuando il fumo pieno, cremoso ma sempre e decisamente monocromatico, un solo tabacco prevale su tutti: il Latakia. Well, I have to admit, Latakia and Turkish tobaccos smell, well, yeah maybe like the musky lather of a salted slave. Holy crap this stuff is intense. That's not a negative statement, just an observation. Firstly, this tobacco is a Lat Bomb and definitely only for latakia afficionados. Country Squire Radio - PODash However, to me, this blend is terrific. Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning Flake Pipe Tobacco - TobaccoPipes.com Mix in a little cavendish burley, add a touch of the Turk,and press this in a 70,000 ton vise and you have PIRATE KAKE! I recommend this blend without any reservation. Overall, a good smooth smoke that had no bite. To many, this would be a heresy on the order of combining several single-malt scotches (perish the thought) or good wines. Enter 32 in quantity box for 2 pounds. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. After discovery, I probably only got about three bowls out of this. For the Latakia lover who doesn?t care about anything else in the blend, this is probably the blend to get. The kake arrived moist. I usually enjoy it earlier in the day and save the Penzance for later in the day after tea or dinner. I like Latakia, but I wouldn't consider myself one that likes it to totally dominate the blend. Burns well, I like to dry it a bit but its okay not, just a little more moisture in the bowl than Id generally like. I was pleasantly surprised by C&D's Pirate Kake though. Similar Blends: Mississippi River, Hearth & Home - Ambassador's Blend (Signature Series). Free Shipping I just wanted to add my four stars to this terrific blend. The Latakia is rich & smooth, lacking the strength, intensity, and complexity to keep it interesting. Highly recommended if you like coffee with your pipes. Slow and careful smoking, as noted, will reveal a more complex flavor character than is on the surface. So, as an amateur pipe smoker, I have discovered with the help of this blend (and a few others) that I am apparently a Latakia-phile. A very nice blend indeed, assuming you like Latakia of course! The full-flavored body, woody and smoky aroma & delicious hints spice & leather - are what make this a Latakia lover's treasure. I can't get over how smooth it is. So not only is this a must try for me but many thanks are owed to this blend and C&D. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. This is a blend I've since left behind but of which I have fond memories. Some time later I thought to break it up and mix some in with some other tobacco as I packed my pipe. 2 thumbs up on this. The latter of which adds a nice nutty sweetness to the blend. Its actually quite satisfying to feel the the fat clouds rolling out of your mouth, taking any negativity from your day with them. Ill stick to Mountain Camp and Star of the East. Everytime I try this tobacco, it's a new experience. Flavor wise, it's not as strong as one might expect and I'd say the nic level is medium. Maybe once a week. It gets better with a little age. The examples I opened was ready to smoke right out of the tin. This is my first C&D blend to try. Similar Blends: GL Pease Odyssey and Quiet Nights.. Pirate Kake boasts a whopping 75% latakia, so if you don't like latakia you'll probably want to pass on this one. Similar Blends: Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides (American History Mixtures). $10.99 Save 2% +-Add. In turn, the Latakia keeps any bite from the spicy Turkish i n check. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. Full, dense, aromatic taste leaves nobody indifferent! Latakia value on the planet. Highly recommend with the caveat that you like a Lat bomb. got two tins just in time Pirate Kake does have a rich smoky flavor, but it lacks the compelling subtleties of blends like Odyssey, Penzance and Lagonda. Such a concentration of LAtakia becomes unidimensional after a while, so it would gain to be mixed with something else to bring variety to it. The strong Latakia flavor basically wipes out any hint of the other tobaccos. Had a little bit of a time getting this to light with the high latakia content, but it worked in the end. I don't get any depth or complexity, just a basic smokiness. Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. The smoky flavour is nice and develops a slightly salty, mineral taste. Not something I would smoke all day, but outstanding for what it is. It actually made my neighbor come out and ask if I was burning tires. The tin description says, it contains 75% (!) Tin note is sour and latakia, tin date is 102617. I like to smoke this mid afternoon with a good cup of skunky coffee. Similar Blends: Smoking straight Latakia. However, there is nothing better than this for Latakia -Lovers. If you are completely enamored with Latakia, you cannot go wrong with Pirate Kake. This stuff rocks! With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. You have been warned. Definitely recommended. I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. It's a great cool weather smoke and one of my favorites for outdoor puffing (which is where my wife prefers I take it) which is good because the room note isn't going to make you any friends among non-smokers. I Love The Smell of Creosote and Campfires in the Morning, Product: Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16oz. Age When Smoked: Fresh, as far as I can tell. Pipe Used: MM general, royal meer, savinelli 616, I guess I must be a real Lat fiend too. Nice and creamy latakia, indeed. I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. Get your Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco from the #1 in customer service and fast affordable shipping (and a small business) TobaccoPipes.com! Los orientales, sin poder notarlos en si, se puede decir que aportan ese toque de equilibrio y aromas, que permite saborear con gusto una mezcla que por su cantidad de latakia debera de ser de difcil fumada. Definitely now in my rotation. Easy to break off and prepare in your pipe. Adding to cart The item has been added. I find that by the time I get to the last 1/3 of the bowl, I'm on overload. Popped and greeted with the unmistakable aroma of a lot of Latakia. If you dont find any pure Latakia in the market you can easily buy this one and make your own mixtures. Whenever I've had non-aromatics, I've felt like they've tasted like a combination of BBQ sauce and soap, and this wasn't much different. It was some of the nicest Latakia I have smoked in some time. I dont think she even noticed and believe me she will let me know when she notices. Really enjoy it anytime of day mostly in the morning with a cup of coffee. The cakes are easy to break apart and rub out nicely. It is like smoking straight Latakia, really unsmokable! I just love it! I do read some reviews that the burley is undetectable, and used as a filler, however this is not the case for me. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. I love this blend. Hey its not your fault latakia, burley will help you in this kake. Frankly, I am not sure, but I do know that somewhere this one crosses the line. Dont get me wrong, its certainly a lat bomb, and smokiness abounds, but its a soft, smooth, mild creamy smoke with a cedar like incense quality. Updated 10/13/12- I ordered another Bulk batch of this blend, rubbed it all out, let it rest for about a month and I have to say, "this is outstanding". I don't want to ever do with out this blend. Really like the piece I have come up with for this one. Bout to go enjoy a bowl now!!!.. Pressed tobacco blends are among my favorites for taste and this blend is no exception. PK made the top 5 list. It does produce a decent amount of smoke. Slightly sweet, smokey, a bit of complexity from the orientals, very little bite. I have some difficult lighting and smoking (a feeling of weakining burning) more than other Latakia blends. If I were stuck on an island and given the choice of only one tobacco, Pirate Kake (PK) would be my choice, except Id prefer the 8oz can, which I just added to my wish list. I really enjoy smoking it at night, with the last pipe of the day and paired with a good whiskey. For me, it is sheer heaven and I could smoke it all day. Looking up at the riggings er ceiling I noticed smoke hanging pretty well. I smoke only virginias and perique blends. I find it to have a very rich, flavorfuly smokey, pleasantly toasty, note. The flavor is one-dimensional and lacks any nuance. My fears were for the overall balance of the blend, with 70% I expected the smoke to be one dimensional, not so. The burley doesnt do much and the orientals need bolstering. This is a real acquired taste. Ok Im on my river Roasting fish over a campfire. The smokiness is cool and mellow, very nice, but I failed to really see how this was a team effort. I once bought a Dolly Parton record on the same basis, so my shallowness is not new. I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. The overall effect is very good, similar to and in my opinion better than Mississippi River. I love and appreciate the other varieties of Latakia in the market, but nothing can beat a good GL Pease or C&D English in pure delightful flavor (except for Plum Pudding maybe). As a previous reviewer mentionedit's a drinkin' Jack Daniels feelin' dangerous type of tobacco. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. The tin aroma is that of hay in a barn. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning. I give this a 3.8 out of 4 stars and it gets rounded up to 4 stars for when I turned on my ceiling fan and as I watched the smoke roll out the windows I couldn't help but laugh .Har, Har, Har. if I had close neighbors what would they think? I actually had to read up on this blend to find out its contents. I only mention that to put my review into perspective. The bars rub out easily enough, and the moisture content is almost right for smoking straight out of the tin, though 20 minutes of drying time doesn't hurt. Surprisingly the nicotine content is not that high, mind you Latakia on its own is no Howitzer either. You'll know in a heart-beat whether you truly love Latakia - or just think you do. To the Latakia lover this should be a delight. I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. If you like Latakia, try this anyway as it is exceptionally wondeful example of the fact that a predominantly Latakia blend can be heavenly. It seems, pretty much everything has been said already about this blend! Burley and Oriental tobbaccos harmonize and smoothen the taste. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. Perfect flavor & strength. Ahoy! When rotated with other blends (I smoked Virginias around this) it was really good, but trying to go bowl after bowl until the tin was empty was just too much for me. Webster Times Newspaper, Is Barry Newman Still Married, Crm Predicting Technologies, Weston, Ct Property Transfers 2020, Articles P

pirate kake pipe tobacco

pirate kake pipe tobacco

Way too much for my taste, while I had taste smoking this sample. It is far from being monochromatic though, which I will get to in a second. I don't have any problem smoking this. The smell in the package is very bold and the taste is so bad. The pirates have commandeered and taken up residence in my pipe. Get some. Love the pressed bricks that lie waiting in the can when it is opened. I initially bought a tin, liked it, then eventually bought a pound brick which I placed into two of the large mason jars. It deploys a large palette of all distinct aromas you find within the wheelhouses of Latakia and Orientals. I started smoking pipes a couple years ago with those pouches you could get out of stores and nothing against those tobacco are the people that smoke them just thought something was missing I finally found this smoking pipes.com website ordered a tin of nightcap and that was my 1st real true experience with great tinned tobacco and that was my 1st while moment smoking a pipe while now you can't get nightcap anymore and I was looking for that wow again and just happened to pick up a can of pirate cake and this is as close a second to the while that I 1st experienced the nightcap not saying the tobaccos are similar just saying that while factor has to be the 2nd best tobacco that I've ever tried and will order more and more this is just a great smoke everything you could want every feeling every emotion just a great all around smoking tobacco. Surely only a real lover of Latakia! Now as excited as I was about all the hype I jarred it as soon as I opened it and promptly rubbed some out and filled my bowl. I'm really starting to like C&D crumble cakes. Smokes cool, slow, and extremely flavorful from char to dottle. This will be one of my regular smokes. No pretense is made about subtle reflections but instead, a robust presentation of flavors that complement one another well. Those three bowls were quite enjoyable. For the Latkia fan, its a must. this is a once-in-a-while-I-have-been-drinking-Jack Daniels-kinda of smoke.So when you feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof or you are at odds with the mrs. or uyou are at the nearest biker bar, pack a good size bowl and light up the cannons. For it IS a fun and unique tobacco. Say no more, but something that seems really important, this mixture has smoke very slowly, leaving cool as possible, but it is not difficult to smoke. And this from a lady who smokes Balkan and English blends herself. I love lats but to be honest they mostly taste the same to me (mostly but there are plenty of exceptions) and judging by the aroma I figured thatd be The case. Left a little oily residue on my fingers. Pirate Cake has 22% THC. LDG - Laudisi Distribution Group Five of five stars ------------ march 06 update. a. any true believer could be the leader of the Islamic world. . The smoke is heavy and rich and leaves wherever you are smelling like a campfire. The nose on the smoke is so pleasing! Tin of 50 Grams. As I stated earlier, it has a good amount of nicotine thanks to the burley, but one should not consider this a strong blend by any means. I will probably keep the tin to use as a blending tobacco, or maybe to use as a prank on unsuspecting pipe smoking friends. The burley component smooths it out a bit, but doesn't add much to the taste that I can tell, but there is a definite spice component from the Orientals. If you're looking for a better Latikia Bomb, check out Captain Earl's Stimulus Package or his Ten Russians. Finally another Latakia forward mixture without any Virginia. This is the closest thing I have found to Latakia heaven at a bulk price. It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. I've had the privilege of smoking a pretty decent variety of blends for my budget. No real complexity here but this is not a blend you sit and ponder over, you know exactly what you are getting and I like that sometimes. The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. It is not an all day smoke, but it IS my at least once-a-day smoke! While keeping the flavor and satisfaction in my smokes. Will save this for chilly, rainy nights. The burley made it even better. Un prodotto solo per fumatori esperti che non temono la forza della nicotina e i sapori decisi. It is aromatic in a campfire smoked meats kind of way, a little spicy, and just enjoyable. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. The 099 bag was packed totally full of tobacco, whereas the Pirate Kake was only half full! Once you puff it very slow it will reveal beautiful oriental spices - peppery cardamom and pine needles - never overpowered and with a nice complexity. The flavor remains constant with little or no nuances about to happen during the smoke. Its smoky and leathery and smoky, and has some smoky taste. These kind of flavours, borne of latakia singly. I like this so much! I love the campfire smokiness of English blends but Pirate Kake is nearly too heavy with it and too narrowly focused. Rich and Smokey with a creamy finish. There are also people who like French fries with their ketchup and sushi with their wasabi. On a side note I smoked my first bowl in the cabin an hour before my wife got home and I'm sleeping in the doghouse tonight. I really enjoy Latakia, dont get me wrong, but holy cow this was a bit strong for my taste. that is dense and smellsof Latakia. It's pretty impressive. Ok folks, this is what it is. 4 stars. Rather than overwhelm you it works really well. I could never smoke this all day long, but I doubt I could ever smoke this much lat in any blend all day. Flavoring? These days, however, I find a little solo note in a tobacco to be OK at times. Excellently smokey and rich latakia blend. Pipe Used: Peterson Donegal Rocky 01, MM bent apple diplomat, Purchased From: Habana Port Cigars, Metairie, LA. Like most lat-bombs the nicotine isn't noticeable at all, but the flavor is huge. After rubbing a chunk of this smoky ambrosia out it looks like I repair diesel trucks for a living. As subtle as a cannon shot full o' nails and cast iron! I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. My smokes started off pleasant enough, especially after a full meal, but the large amount of latakia slowly pummeled me. I opened the bag and was greeted by a very rich, heavy pleasant smoky flavor that was leading this charge of flavors. Continuando il fumo pieno, cremoso ma sempre e decisamente monocromatico, un solo tabacco prevale su tutti: il Latakia. Well, I have to admit, Latakia and Turkish tobaccos smell, well, yeah maybe like the musky lather of a salted slave. Holy crap this stuff is intense. That's not a negative statement, just an observation. Firstly, this tobacco is a Lat Bomb and definitely only for latakia afficionados. Country Squire Radio - PODash However, to me, this blend is terrific. Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning Flake Pipe Tobacco - TobaccoPipes.com Mix in a little cavendish burley, add a touch of the Turk,and press this in a 70,000 ton vise and you have PIRATE KAKE! I recommend this blend without any reservation. Overall, a good smooth smoke that had no bite. To many, this would be a heresy on the order of combining several single-malt scotches (perish the thought) or good wines. Enter 32 in quantity box for 2 pounds. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. After discovery, I probably only got about three bowls out of this. For the Latakia lover who doesn?t care about anything else in the blend, this is probably the blend to get. The kake arrived moist. I usually enjoy it earlier in the day and save the Penzance for later in the day after tea or dinner. I like Latakia, but I wouldn't consider myself one that likes it to totally dominate the blend. Burns well, I like to dry it a bit but its okay not, just a little more moisture in the bowl than Id generally like. I was pleasantly surprised by C&D's Pirate Kake though. Similar Blends: Mississippi River, Hearth & Home - Ambassador's Blend (Signature Series). Free Shipping I just wanted to add my four stars to this terrific blend. The Latakia is rich & smooth, lacking the strength, intensity, and complexity to keep it interesting. Highly recommended if you like coffee with your pipes. Slow and careful smoking, as noted, will reveal a more complex flavor character than is on the surface. So, as an amateur pipe smoker, I have discovered with the help of this blend (and a few others) that I am apparently a Latakia-phile. A very nice blend indeed, assuming you like Latakia of course! The full-flavored body, woody and smoky aroma & delicious hints spice & leather - are what make this a Latakia lover's treasure. I can't get over how smooth it is. So not only is this a must try for me but many thanks are owed to this blend and C&D. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. This is a blend I've since left behind but of which I have fond memories. Some time later I thought to break it up and mix some in with some other tobacco as I packed my pipe. 2 thumbs up on this. The latter of which adds a nice nutty sweetness to the blend. Its actually quite satisfying to feel the the fat clouds rolling out of your mouth, taking any negativity from your day with them. Ill stick to Mountain Camp and Star of the East. Everytime I try this tobacco, it's a new experience. Flavor wise, it's not as strong as one might expect and I'd say the nic level is medium. Maybe once a week. It gets better with a little age. The examples I opened was ready to smoke right out of the tin. This is my first C&D blend to try. Similar Blends: GL Pease Odyssey and Quiet Nights.. Pirate Kake boasts a whopping 75% latakia, so if you don't like latakia you'll probably want to pass on this one. Similar Blends: Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides (American History Mixtures). $10.99 Save 2% +-Add. In turn, the Latakia keeps any bite from the spicy Turkish i n check. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. Full, dense, aromatic taste leaves nobody indifferent! Latakia value on the planet. Highly recommend with the caveat that you like a Lat bomb. got two tins just in time Pirate Kake does have a rich smoky flavor, but it lacks the compelling subtleties of blends like Odyssey, Penzance and Lagonda. Such a concentration of LAtakia becomes unidimensional after a while, so it would gain to be mixed with something else to bring variety to it. The strong Latakia flavor basically wipes out any hint of the other tobaccos. Had a little bit of a time getting this to light with the high latakia content, but it worked in the end. I don't get any depth or complexity, just a basic smokiness. Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. The smoky flavour is nice and develops a slightly salty, mineral taste. Not something I would smoke all day, but outstanding for what it is. It actually made my neighbor come out and ask if I was burning tires. The tin description says, it contains 75% (!) Tin note is sour and latakia, tin date is 102617. I like to smoke this mid afternoon with a good cup of skunky coffee. Similar Blends: Smoking straight Latakia. However, there is nothing better than this for Latakia -Lovers. If you are completely enamored with Latakia, you cannot go wrong with Pirate Kake. This stuff rocks! With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. You have been warned. Definitely recommended. I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. It's a great cool weather smoke and one of my favorites for outdoor puffing (which is where my wife prefers I take it) which is good because the room note isn't going to make you any friends among non-smokers. I Love The Smell of Creosote and Campfires in the Morning, Product: Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16oz. Age When Smoked: Fresh, as far as I can tell. Pipe Used: MM general, royal meer, savinelli 616, I guess I must be a real Lat fiend too. Nice and creamy latakia, indeed. I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. Get your Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco from the #1 in customer service and fast affordable shipping (and a small business) TobaccoPipes.com! Los orientales, sin poder notarlos en si, se puede decir que aportan ese toque de equilibrio y aromas, que permite saborear con gusto una mezcla que por su cantidad de latakia debera de ser de difcil fumada. Definitely now in my rotation. Easy to break off and prepare in your pipe. Adding to cart The item has been added. I find that by the time I get to the last 1/3 of the bowl, I'm on overload. Popped and greeted with the unmistakable aroma of a lot of Latakia. If you dont find any pure Latakia in the market you can easily buy this one and make your own mixtures. Whenever I've had non-aromatics, I've felt like they've tasted like a combination of BBQ sauce and soap, and this wasn't much different. It was some of the nicest Latakia I have smoked in some time. I dont think she even noticed and believe me she will let me know when she notices. Really enjoy it anytime of day mostly in the morning with a cup of coffee. The cakes are easy to break apart and rub out nicely. It is like smoking straight Latakia, really unsmokable! I just love it! I do read some reviews that the burley is undetectable, and used as a filler, however this is not the case for me. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. I love this blend. Hey its not your fault latakia, burley will help you in this kake. Frankly, I am not sure, but I do know that somewhere this one crosses the line. Dont get me wrong, its certainly a lat bomb, and smokiness abounds, but its a soft, smooth, mild creamy smoke with a cedar like incense quality. Updated 10/13/12- I ordered another Bulk batch of this blend, rubbed it all out, let it rest for about a month and I have to say, "this is outstanding". I don't want to ever do with out this blend. Really like the piece I have come up with for this one. Bout to go enjoy a bowl now!!!.. Pressed tobacco blends are among my favorites for taste and this blend is no exception. PK made the top 5 list. It does produce a decent amount of smoke. Slightly sweet, smokey, a bit of complexity from the orientals, very little bite. I have some difficult lighting and smoking (a feeling of weakining burning) more than other Latakia blends. If I were stuck on an island and given the choice of only one tobacco, Pirate Kake (PK) would be my choice, except Id prefer the 8oz can, which I just added to my wish list. I really enjoy smoking it at night, with the last pipe of the day and paired with a good whiskey. For me, it is sheer heaven and I could smoke it all day. Looking up at the riggings er ceiling I noticed smoke hanging pretty well. I smoke only virginias and perique blends. I find it to have a very rich, flavorfuly smokey, pleasantly toasty, note. The flavor is one-dimensional and lacks any nuance. My fears were for the overall balance of the blend, with 70% I expected the smoke to be one dimensional, not so. The burley doesnt do much and the orientals need bolstering. This is a real acquired taste. Ok Im on my river Roasting fish over a campfire. The smokiness is cool and mellow, very nice, but I failed to really see how this was a team effort. I once bought a Dolly Parton record on the same basis, so my shallowness is not new. I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. The overall effect is very good, similar to and in my opinion better than Mississippi River. I love and appreciate the other varieties of Latakia in the market, but nothing can beat a good GL Pease or C&D English in pure delightful flavor (except for Plum Pudding maybe). As a previous reviewer mentionedit's a drinkin' Jack Daniels feelin' dangerous type of tobacco. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. The tin aroma is that of hay in a barn. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning. I give this a 3.8 out of 4 stars and it gets rounded up to 4 stars for when I turned on my ceiling fan and as I watched the smoke roll out the windows I couldn't help but laugh .Har, Har, Har. if I had close neighbors what would they think? I actually had to read up on this blend to find out its contents. I only mention that to put my review into perspective. The bars rub out easily enough, and the moisture content is almost right for smoking straight out of the tin, though 20 minutes of drying time doesn't hurt. Surprisingly the nicotine content is not that high, mind you Latakia on its own is no Howitzer either. You'll know in a heart-beat whether you truly love Latakia - or just think you do. To the Latakia lover this should be a delight. I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. If you like Latakia, try this anyway as it is exceptionally wondeful example of the fact that a predominantly Latakia blend can be heavenly. It seems, pretty much everything has been said already about this blend! Burley and Oriental tobbaccos harmonize and smoothen the taste. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. Perfect flavor & strength. Ahoy! When rotated with other blends (I smoked Virginias around this) it was really good, but trying to go bowl after bowl until the tin was empty was just too much for me.

Webster Times Newspaper, Is Barry Newman Still Married, Crm Predicting Technologies, Weston, Ct Property Transfers 2020, Articles P

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