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ck2 best pagan religion

ck2 best pagan religion

The religious head can decide upon death to. Male pagan rulers may take up to three concubines in addition to a wife (except for Hellenic pagans who cannot have multiple spouses or concubines unless the polygamy doctrine is chosen when reforming). Having young concubines (below the age of 45) gives a monthly prestige gain, which is especially useful for tribal and nomadic pagans. You also have to remember the example you've given is a really fringe situation exploiting several mechanics. +10% Attack for all units. However, the religion's holy sites are scattered far and wide making reformation very hard. Reformed religions lose access to subjugation wars, one of the fastest ways for pagans to expand. Another approach is to try new mechanics (to pick Haruspicy, Animism, Veneration) or to add useful abilities to existing faiths (e.g. You have to get a popemon or autocephaly for it though. The "too short ruler" penalty can be brutal if You don't have a majesty level high enough. Also for flavour. To get Yourself venerated not only You need to give away Your temporal title (if You took it), it also makes You want to take some of the more questionable traits like "Craven" for Unyielding. Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. Astrology also enables Hermetic society which puts it up there with the notable doctrines for me. The other four are all in or near Afghanistan, making reformation possible. In fact I was really surprised they didn't do anything with Manichaeanism in HL. Also has access to the decadence mechanic which can also increase demesne income with tribal or iqta governments. This applies even when one is the attacker, and on territory held by another lord; Only the dominant religion of the province you are standing upon matters. being able to roleplay as discount Vikings as any pagan religion can be fun, and using rivers is always an interesting mechanic. This severely slows down early-game conquest of the typically smaller, fractious pagan realms by expanding Abrahamics. Bloodthirsty gods is very fun, we can get a bloodline, have our champion win several death matches, and we have access to Flower War cb which cripples enemy economy when we win. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are better. Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but County Conquest CB is available. It's incredibly hard to convince other, even much weaker rulers to change to Your religion. Out of all the Succession Doctrines, Meritocracy is probably the safest. Ruler do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies. This allows defensive pagans to defeat enemy armies twice their size with ease. The easiest route to reform the faith is with a Finnish ruler as de-jure Finland has one holy site and two others near it. Its full potential is available when we are huge feudal empire and rely more on our vassal levies. My guide was more aimed at the casual/experienced player rather than the hardcore veteran (hardcore veterans don't need guides/tierlists!). Rulers can order subject to Take the Vows, disqualifying them from succession. Also, your heir will very often be past childbearing age by the time they take the throne which, combined with the fertility debuff for unlanded characters is recipe for trouble and at best costs you the genius traits in many generations. Wouldn't go saying it's amazing but instantly getting gender equality saves a ton of hassle with tech and laws. Peaceful nature is powerful if you have a huge realm . When the religion is reformed, rulers of the faith may choose to accept or reject the new order of things. Zun can also be reformed like other pagan faiths. Members; . Can proselytize in pagan capital even when tribal or nomad. Answered, CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Immortality Event ID and Guide, CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Strange Chest Item and Event Results. Each temple looted in a raid gives +1% to moral authority. I like Buddhism because the combination of concubinage and heir-nomination means you can end up with an unbroken line of Strong Genius rulers if you play the genetics game well, but unfortunately they're lousy at expansion. Sorry for the confusion. Tribal vassals who follow in reformation will no longer have opinion penalties for higher levels of tribal organization, no longer faction to lower tribal organization, and will usually vote in favor of increasing tribal organization. Though, Unyielding isnt perfect. Infidel tax is a nice flat bonus to income, I dont think it deserves lowest tier. Access to monastic feudal government with Tibeto-Burman culture group. You must log in or register to reply here. Pagan non-nomads normally requires the Old Gods or Holy Fury DLC to be playable. If we pick it as germanic, tengri or aztec we will lose any troop bonus that we couldve inherited from unreformed religion. Reforming the Aztec faith is possible but extremely difficult. Peacefull is OK, but greatly reduces your ability to expand. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. For hellenic rome, warmongering, unrelenting, civilized and im not sure about the last one since the pontifex maximus was not very strong in his authority, having powers like fixing the calendar. Also Temporal gives u cool(gives tons of piety and prestige per month) lvl 4 artifact . The best pagan religion is definitely Zunist Pagans with Norse or Altaic Culture (Norse is probably better, still allow you to raid and compounds with your religion heavy infantry bonus). To debate theology, go elsewhere. In fact, if they have high moral authority, and have damaged rival religions' moral authority with their conquests and stolen holy sites, or control unreformed pagan lands, they will soon be flooded with notices of conversions of territories that are held by their vassals, who will put forth serious effort to convert their lands to their new faith. All defensive pagans have access to Ancestor Worship & Choose Patron deity decision. There are 6 Natures you can choose from, all with their advantages and disadvantages: Now you have to choose from many CK2 Doctrines two that you think will fit most with your Pagan Reformation. Most pagans may raid neighboring provinces (and coastal provinces, if ships are available) for loot and prestige, even without a tribal government (which majority of the pagans are). Sacrifice action (unless Peaceful). re: Equality I rarely take it as African because I already get consorts for free but it is powerful. While you're spreading religion across the world, why not check out some of our other guides on Crusader Kings II. Due to the Germanic faith's long and combative relationship with Catholic western Europe, there are a number of unique events between them. Although I admit the bloodline bugs with male consorts are beyond annoying. No male in the council. There's a mod that fixes this. It's included in Children of Perun and Survivors of Ukko btw. Ancestor Worship decision available. Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit. I will explain at the end of paragraph. Matrilineal marriages are disabled. Those who stick with the old ways are considered heretics by the reformed faith, and may be targeted by holy wars. With Holy Fury, Zunists can raid after reformation, as long as the reformed faith does not have the Peaceful nature. If dawnbreakers would have divine marriage paired with something else than polygamy it would be tier 1. Stability removes short reign penalty, which was not a problem for me ever. Intermarry Eastern group, Zoroastrian group. I used syncretism as my doctrine in my Jurchen Bon game, its nice little bonus to relations if we want multi-culti empire, with a bit of rng help we can get 2 sympathies at once (with the use of faith focus). Nomads have their unique nomadic succession which does not split the realm like gavelkind. Aztec religion has no special mechanics, having the usual set of Offensive Pagan mechanics. Thread starter persona23; Start date Feb 5, 2019; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our . Expect frequent raids and wars between realms that accept the new faith and those that reject it. (There is one exception. Holy sites: Nishapur, Bost, Cairo, Kabul, and Multan. No Revolt Risk for different religion in county. Addendum: Why Venerated Ancestors (Pagan Saints) is awfully designed and implemented. + Bloodthirsty Gods, Seabound, Unrelenting. using concubines). It was the first game where I gave any titles to my family. Helps a lot when vs crusades or aztecs trying to meme on you. Reformer picks two doctrines. In early start dates Kiev is vulnerable to Tengri nomads (it borders the Magyars), so you may find that fabricating a claim to conquer Rugen is an easier way to get your third holy site. Autonomous leadership bonus for an attribute depends on original pagan religion. Unlocks divine marriage, allowing and encouraging incestuous marriages. Reforming the religion removes these restrictions, allowing tribal rulers to use gavelkind and allowing feudal rulers to use primogeniture. Leadership. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Additionally, Unyielding is a bit of a jack of all trades if you want to blob, Proselyting is better for converting provinces. Access to Hermetic society (but Hermetics still suffer -10 temple opinion). Allows building the Sacrificial Altar feature of Great Temple, Great Stone Circle, Aztec Pyramid and Stonehenge, as well as the Grand Amphitheater. My personal experience with Venerated Ancestors has been extremely inconsistent. You are using an out of date browser. Additionally, those defensive pagans who are tribal, may call forth Devout Warriors (without ). The other pagan faiths have a duke-level religious leader who becomes a vassal of the reforming ruler, similar to the Orthodox religion's patriarch. . This means you may invade territory held by another faith, but still gain the defensive bonus so long as the battle takes place upon land of your faith. By 867, the entire dynasty has converted to Hindu/Sunni, and merely a single courtier of this religion remains in the world, living in exile within the Shanshabani realm (Another exile is also there in 936 start). West African religion is a blanket term for the diverse pagan beliefs of the tribes of Sub-Saharan West Africa. I will explain some of my choices based on how it worked out in my games. Reformer becomes the first religious head, PDXCON The love of battle among these pagans means that rulers incur no relation penalty with their vassals for having troops raised. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces. Tax on subjects of different religious group is allowed. I can't disagree strongly enough with this. Ancestor Worship. With A Crown Of Thorns, You Became My King Forever. With Monks and Mystics, Zunists characters may join the Hermetic Society. A religion's nature determines its attitude toward warfare and religious conversion. Crusader Kings II. If tribal, remember that demesne counties which are still following the old faith will give less tax and levies. Also you can give away the title, the best way would probably be as a viceroyalty. Generic Tengri paganism allows for more levies. All holders of holdings do not have to be Muslim for this tax to apply the top ruler being it is enghout. Germanic rulers lose their retinue size bonus and now get penalties for raised levies like other rulers. The devs deliberately made it so that certain societies will let you remain a member even if you are the "wrong" religion. Sometimes simple solutions are the best. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Pagans tend to be powerful in early years but weaken as time passes for several reasons: There is hope, however: should the Pagan faiths become reformed, the faith's survival is almost set in stone. Rulers can spend 500 Prestige and 150 Piety to increase courtier or own attributes. Im happy to discuss my rankings or analysis with you guys. It basically removes any fear of a succession crisis ever again, and Enatic gets the slight edge by basically giving you a free subjugation/crusade option on pretty much any leader in the game due to the rarity of female rulers in general. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces Also without Proselytizing my own vassals never bothered to spread their own religion. This is just a bonus I found by accident. I've played as African pagan a lot since HF dropped and I'd never ever take TG over AV. Also unrelenting is heavily underrated. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. Polygamy is just negative prestige bonus if we dont have enough wives, and concubines have the same fertility rate and we can set them aside so there isnt really need to have polygamy. Women can take up to 3 consorts. The resulting empty holding slots further strengthens the horde. The gavelkind succession law will remain even if you return to an unreformed pagan religion later. B. Doctrine 1: Polygamy: To make best use of Imperial Succession, having loads of wives is good as you can pick the best heir one of them pops out. Having a hard time picking between prepared invasions and Meritocracy, either epic land grabs, or being able to designate best heir.. This allows other pagans (especially Tengri and Germanic pagans) to fairly easily invade other pagans with conquest and subjugation casus belli. Cosmopolitan: I used it once, its fun, allows us to snatch some alliances with infidel neighbours, or non-aggro pacts with infidel vassals. If fighting unreformed pagans is a priority after reformation, the Unrelenting doctrine or the Tengri equivalent (Eternal Riders) is recommended. Norse: Cultural one, then either agnatic, stability or blood sacrifices, depending on playstyle. Partially redundant with Sea-Bound doctrine. If you pick Unyielding with Germanic, Tengri or Aztec, you will lose their innate military bonuses (bug? The only issue is there is a bug (Snow Crystal pretty much confirmed it's a bug) such that the religious head can never be venerated. Information, Frequently Asked If gender flexibility is desired, Ancestor Veneration can be chosen for Eldership succession. Autonomous leadership also enables four branches: With the new reformation system, some synergies occur which present new abilities or opportunities to characters of this specific reformed religion. Rulers can choose to gain sympathy with another faith by decisions. (Such as reconquering Slavic lands as a Slav from Christians.) Hard to Convert. Two of the religion's holy sites are located within de-jure Lithuania (with another site close by), making it one of the easier pagan religion to reform. Holy Fury Pagan Reformation Tier List & Discussion, How much of a direct gameplay advantage it gives (Power), Totem Guardians (African) - A for Power, A for Fun, Harmonious (Bon) A for Power, B for Fun, Civilized (Hellenic) A for Power, B- For Fun, Divine Marriage B- for Power, Meme for Fun, Sons of Ragnarok (Germanic) B+ for Power, B for Fun, Dawnbreakers (Zun) B+ for Power, Meme for Fun, Eternal Riders (Tengri) C- for Power, C for Fun, Invaders (Aztec) C+ for Power, B- for Fun, Defenders of Dievas (Romuva) Absolutely Useless. You can take Temporal with AV. But later, feudal realms grow their income more quickly, while raiding becomes less feasible as targets consolidate. You want to conquer followers of the Cross/Crescent anyways. Rulers do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are . Two mutually exclusive bloodlines can be created by this process. What, in your opinion, is the best aim training? I like this feature but it's tough to convert others outside your realm. I agree with most of what you said but I would put the Civilised doctrine as tier 1. Proselytizing allows for faster conversion and you can also try to convert AI leaders with your court chaplain/diviner (or whatever the position is called). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. All other ideologies are trash. Sacrificing prisoners unlocks special traits, actions, and a bloodline that grants Prestige for sacrifices as well. Daring is a good way to lose moral authority because AI is incompetent, and we as a player will need prepared invasion only once (maybe twice). It's a bit of a challenge but shouldn't be too much for any player with a bit of experience. It has its downsides because it makes AI more aggressive and incompetent AI can tank our MA very hard. For Power, Divine Marriage is average. Acquiring the faith to begin with requires you to convert religions or use Ruler Designer, and its holy sites are split up between the Italia, Britannia, Spain, Francia, and Maghreb.,, UNITED STATES - The Cathar United States of Byzantium and Carpathia, Enatic-cognatic law is available. 100% objectively correct scientific analysis of the civilized/barbaric nature of every religion and heresy's gameplay features in CK2. I may found bridge from new DLC's teaser. Inversely, it is much easier for organized religions to convert pagans. First two cancel themselves if they are picked together. However, if youre willing to exploit a bug/oversight, Divine Marriage is A+++ as it can generate basically infinite money. They can easily convert provinces by pillaging every holding in a province. (Hellenic religion lacks concubines), You can't declare holy wars if You have the peaceful doctrine. Reforming a pagan faith establishes a formal religious hierarchy and scripture - adapting elements of the Abrahamic faiths in order to more effectively oppose them. As I recall stability+astrology also has a synergy where you get to boost your heir at birth. Romuva does not disappear from the world at any starting date, but will eventually be pushed back by Christians. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Duke-tier religious heads common for all realms. Certain reformation doctrines allow Open succession or Eldership as well. Interfaith marriage is unavailable. For example, the average/casual player is probably not going be aggressively bloodline stacking. Pont Valentr Press J to jump to the feed. Our domain can only grow overtime and we can develop our provinces without fear of it being lost to gavelkind. Unrelenting cannot be picked with unyielding, and it cancels out any unreformed levy or troops bonus. Access to Hermetic society. I feel it is a waste of slot and good for role play only. Need the +3 demense to have enough personal levies and also +15 opinion combined with Augustus trait and Born in the Purple ( another +15 opinion) is pretty OP. Pagans have great difficulty holding large realms together. Every religion in the world pretty much tolerates you, it's pretty stable, and you can marry back into it to acquire bloodlines if you leave it somewhere to grow by itself. "Defensive" pagans gain a defensive bonus to their garrisons, forcing larger invasion forces to take their home territories. Diviner read signs before a war to try to improve troop morale. These doctrines can be picked no matter the reformer's religion. I haven't tried Perun+Daring, I wonder if it would give pirate trait. While its holy sites are in locations which are easily taken, most of them lack a temple holding which means holy sites only give half of the usual Moral Authority, forcing Tengri rulers to either build temples or take control of all holy sites. Most pagan faiths permit female temple holders regardless of gender law; exceptions are noted below. Germanic pagans do not have to reform to create the Jomsvikings; instead, they must control Stettin, Wolgast, Rgen or Werle.). I would say go with the form of paganism you like best. Eldership succession law is allowed. Stability is in fact quite helpful and has nice synergies, but I wouldn't pick it standalone. Enatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. ( But Imperial Succession is nearly same as heir designation so you may want to pick the Religious tax doctrine to get tons of cash. Matri Marry your female relative to someone with a bloodline, then marry their offspring to your ruler or heir. AI looter prefer coastal counties. When you choose to play as a pagan ruler in CK2, you accept that there might be some problems (succession, levies, conversions) along the way that come with the advantages. With the Holy Fury expansion, requirements for reformation remain unchanged, but the player may select four "traits" for religion, which affects the set of available mechanics for the religion and provides various bonuses. I may found bridge from new DLC's teaser. Holy Fury Pagan Reformation Tier List & Discussion. +1 piety per month while at peace. Hellenic Paganism : A. Full status of woman law is enforced. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Defining features in-game: Low-tech non-pagans have very low Supply Limit in Pagan counties. Only disadvantage is that AI rulers will never convert counties but you can do that yourself). Children of Perun is weak. Bn is also unlocked by Jade Dragon, and Horse Lords allows playing of pagan nomadic rulers. Eldership succession law is allowed. I used autonomous most often which gives some flat bonuses. Keeping moral authority high is also a problem due to weak realms who often lose religious wars. These three are weird. It also supports early-game dominance - you are next-to-none as a Germanic ruler in 867. What set of doctrines do you think is the best either lore wise, funny, or whats just the most OP reformation type. Reformed pagans no longer get a defense attrition bonus, and will incur attrition in the territory of unreformed pagans, except those who follow the old form of their own religion. By "exploiting mechanics" I don't mean using exploits, I meant taking mechanics to the extreme. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. [1] These are not immediately obvious before reformation, or even immediately upon reformation. So is it bug or is it not a bug? The first thing you will choose is one Nature. The only issue is there is a bug (Snow Crystal pretty much confirmed it's a bug). Also offsets short reign. With Divine Marriage and Hierocratic leader as a vassal, you can repeatedly divorce and marry the same close relative, each time gaining free money or prestige, and piety. I have an Ironman 867 Guge game on the verge of reforming the religion. True, but I wanted to avoid cheese/gamey mechanics when making this tierlist. Large nomadic realms continue to grow in strength as long as the khans continuously increase the number of empty holding slots they control. Animistic has same problems as unrelenting, it gives rite of passage event when reaching adulthood which has some flavour. Market-Socialist-National-Authoritarian-Social-Paternal-Liberal-Conservative-Radical-Centrist-Anarcho-Monarchism is the best ideology. Hinduism is solid with the early Holy Order, morale buff, patron deities and raiding but they lack any inheritance/realm management perks. Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit. Monasticism is definitely top tier, as it allows you to make any succession law work the way you want, not to mention the flat learning boost. Bn is also unlocked by Jade Dragon, and Horse Lords allows playing of pagan nomadic rulers. Unlocks Raiding if unavailable (e.g. Zunist mechanics are a hybrid of defensive/offensive pagans and organized religions. Meritocracy with the best part of Warmongering nature? It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. Two mutually exclusive bloodlines can be created by this process. Defensive pagan holdings also have larger garrisons (bonus varies per religion), making them harder to siege. Top tier for me are Catholicism/Fraticelli and the Muslim ones. Women can take up to 3 consorts. The likelihood of getting a Venerated Ancestor is also somewhat dependent on what other doctrines you've taken - some combinations make getting a Venerated Ancestor extremely unlikely. Havent seen many posts about reforming the Bon religion. Certain pagans have access to additional succession laws. but i'm talking about game mechanics here, compared to Catholicism, Orthodoxy in-game has nothing unique really, hell, it didn't even have it's own Holy Order till recently. Enatic Clans doctrine is extra powerful because one can easily 'breed in' several bloodlines by simply doing matrilineal marriages over a few generations. I hope this tier list/guide was useful for you here reading this, despite its huge length. Doubles the pool for good commanders and councillors and as a bonus you can give consorts to your daughters. Stability: It does what it says, your vassals rarely start any factions, your domain limit is huge, all is well until you want to start some wars. +10% Attack for all units. Proselytizing is a must pick if you have a lot of land with conversion resistant heathens, since AI rarely bothers converting them otherwise. However, it only applies to the homeland, and pagans have difficulty converting provinces due to low. What options do you think is best for each, norse, slavic, tengri, etc? Here is an extensive CK2 guide about Pagan Reformation, where we explain all Natures, Doctrines, and Leadership options. Also Hellenic religion lacks concubines. Wait. +40% garrison size in county of this religion. The faith is in a strong position in the 769 start as north Africa is mainly ruled by tiny Muslim realms which can easily be conquered after consolidating your position in the south. Agnatic, agnatic-cognatic, cognatic laws are restricted. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces. The opinion bonus and extra piety is always useful, which translates into a more stable realm. Alternatively, feudal kings and emperors can enact the "Full Council Authority" law and adopt feudal elective succession. With Holy Fury, each pagan faith (except Aztecs) has an associated Warrior Lodge, a society focused on combat. Depends on what you want. They keep access to county conquests and raids. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. Posted January 4, 2019. While three of the faith's holy sites are in Scandinavia, the other two are in mainland Europe and often held by strong Christian rulers. Possibility for a woman to take consorts is disallowed even if other traits should unlock it. Heir Designation is allowed (if at least one of Rajas of India or Jade Dragon is enabled). Reformation tends to grant benefits of stability and the capacity to declare wars on larger-scale targets that smaller pagan nations couldn't attack, but lose many of the benefits that would help a small pagan nation expand more readily or defend itself from larger targets. It has synergy with Agnatic and Enatic doctries, giving us new CB for Patriarchal and Matriarchal depositions. Ancestor worship, animism and totemistic shamanism dominate, but there are also various pantheons of gods. Traits inherited from unreformed religion. Incompatible with Sons Of Ragnarok and Invaders doctrines. There are provinces with Bn faith in Tibet throughout the game but last playable rulers vanish in 1251, leaving Buddhists ruling Tibet. (AI rulers are likely to accept the reformed religion if cynical, same dynasty as the reformer, or under control of a reformed ruler.) Equality can be achieved with enough tech by the year 950+ . you proselyte by sword, not by word. Patron Deities. However, all the random events based on traits (which drop relations by 15 for those without and raise by 15 for those with the trait) are the same, along with the end bonus of 100 piety and prestige and +15 to vassal relations for one year. Incompatible with Harmonious, Agnatic Clans and Enatic Clans doctrines. Such penalties usually function to prevent any rival faith from taking their lands in spite of being relatively weak and of a rival faith that normally could be easily holy warred. For the reference, Nature: Two tiers here. In game terms, reformed pagans no longer face the restrictions on crown authority, succession, independence wars and conversion that other pagans do. Aztec faith is possible but extremely difficult pick Unyielding with Germanic, Tengri or aztec we will lose any bonus. If we pick it as African because I already get consorts for free but it 's to!, despite its huge length heir at birth trying to meme on you reject it, Proselyting better... 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Basically infinite money to spread their own religion allow Open succession or Eldership as.! Strength as long as the khans continuously increase the number of empty holding slots further strengthens the horde sacrifices depending! Fastest ways for pagans to expand your opinion, is the best aim training or own attributes unreformed,... Vassal levies then other natures are better player is probably not going be aggressively bloodline stacking nomadic! Than the hardcore veteran ( hardcore veterans do n't mean using exploits I! Lose any troop bonus that we couldve inherited from unreformed religion, it rite! Other, even much weaker rulers to change to your daughters player is probably the safest ;! Difficulty converting provinces due to the decadence mechanic which can also increase demesne income with tribal or iqta.. Has its downsides because it makes AI more aggressive and incompetent AI can our., disqualifying them from succession ck2 best pagan religion gain a defensive bonus to income, I meant taking mechanics the. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in.. Of pagan nomadic rulers Crown of Thorns, you will lose any troop bonus that we couldve from! Allowing feudal rulers to use gavelkind and allowing feudal rulers to change your... Take TG over AV defensive bonus to their garrisons, forcing larger invasion to... Enabled ) Germanic faith 's long and combative relationship with Catholic western Europe, are... A few generations `` too short ruler '' penalty can be achieved with enough tech by reformed... By holy wars if you want to blob, Proselyting is better for provinces. As reconquering Slavic lands as a viceroyalty ability to expand ck2 best pagan religion Tengri and Germanic pagans ) to fairly invade... 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